FI Finlande
  • T40T - Transport urbain et routier

Abnormal transport vehicle

Abnormal road transport
Escort vehicle

Draft regulation Abnormal road transports and abnormal transport vehicles

The purpose of the drafting project is to repeal the current regulation of the Finnish Transport andCommunications Agency on abnormal road transports and abnormal transport vehicles(TRAFICOM/420073/; ‘the abnormal road transport regulation’) and to issue a newRegulation of the same name. The new Regulation takes into account the requirements for new vehicles in theapproval of abnormal transport vehicles, as well as the need for changes due to technical progress. Theprovisions on the practical implementation of abnormal road transports will also be amended.

Proposals for amendments to the Regulation concerning the approval of abnormal transport vehicles andabnormal transport combinations include:
- The requirements and registration markings for vehicles with adjustable dimensions will be specified.
- The application of the exceptions laid down in EU regulations on abnormal transport vehicles and abnormaltransport trailers to nationally regulated abnormal transport vehicles and abnormal transport trailers will beallowed.
- The approval of a six-axle vehicle transporter with a four-axle bogie will be allowed.
- The maximum allowable locking speed of the steered axles of an abnormal transport trailer will be reducedfrom 30 kilometres per hour to 15 kilometres per hour.
- Additional exceptions are defined for the remote control system of an abnormal transport trailer compared tothe vehicles regulation.
The proposed amendments concerning escort vehicles, licenced traffic management escort vehicles and theiruse include:
- An altitude measuring device is also required for escort vehicles other than licenced traffic managementescort vehicles if the vehicle is used to determine transport height restrictions.
- The height requirement for a licenced traffic management escort vehicle will be removed and a provision onthe minimum height of the bottom edge of the warning board will be included.
- The dimensions of the warning board will be simplified, but old warning boards may be used in the future aswell.
- Changes will be made to the provisions concerning the colour and markings of licenced traffic managementescort vehicles.
- An escort vehicle is not required if the need would arise solely due to height and if the transport operator hasensured that an escort vehicle is not required on the transport route due to exceeding the height.
- The provisions on the use and positioning of the escort vehicle during transport will be made more specific.
In addition to the abovementioned amendments, the proposed amendments relating to the performance ofabnormal transport operations include:
- Point 2 of the current provision on the intended use of abnormal transport vehicles and abnormal transportcombination vehicles will be removed.
- A trailer for carrying equipment and devices relating to the use of the towing vehicle may be coupled to anabnormal transport vehicle exceeding the generally permissible dimensions or mass when unladen on theroad.
- The transport of an indivisible load other than a vehicle will be allowed in a vehicle transporter.
- The combination of a tractor and a trailer will be allowed for abnormal transport operations more extensivelythan at present.