NO Norvège
  • T20T - Transport maritime, fluvial et navigation en eaux intérieures

These amendments implement IMO Resolution MSC.539(107), which revises the IMSBC Code and willaffect shipping companies and operators involved in the carriage of solid cargoes in bulk (solid bulk cargoes).

Consultation on proposed amendments to the Regulations on the carriage of cargoes on Norwegian shipsand barges due to amendments to the IMSBC Code to implement Resolution MSC.539(107).

The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) hereby circulates for review the proposed amendments to theRegulations of 1 July 2014 No. 945 on the carriage of cargoes on Norwegian ships and barges. The draftregulation is a revised version of parts of the Regulations on the carriage of cargoes on Norwegian ships andbarges serve to implement the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code into Norwegianlegislation. The reference in section 2 first paragraph (b) makes the IMSBC Code applicable to ships engagedon foreign voyages. The reference in section 2 second paragraph makes the IMSBC Code applicable to cargoships and barges engaged on domestic voyages.