SE Suède
  • S20E - Dechets

Sorted combustible waste and organic waste which, in accordance with the prohibitions laid down in Section8(6) and (7) of the Ordinance (2001:512) on the landfilling of waste, may not be landfilled

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Regulations on the landfilling of combustible waste andorganic waste

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s draft amendments to the Regulations on the landfilling oforganic waste and combustible waste are as follows:

- Removal of the option of seeking an exemption with respect to the landfilling of organic waste andcombustible waste due to lack of capacity (exemption only possible if there are special reasons);
- Removal of the exemption for the landfilling of waste, the physical or chemical properties of which aftertreatment are such that the waste should not be recovered or disposed of other than by landfilling;
- Clarification and detailing of the exemption for special reasons, the exemption time for the landfilling ofwaterworks sludge and organic waste and combustible waste in general;
- Update of references to reflect the latest legislation;
- Update of references to reflect the latest standards.
In the absence of a mutual recognition clause, please justify why:
The Regulation provisions govern exemptions from the prohibitions on landfilling of sorted combustible andorganic waste, and the option to seek an exemption for special reasons. They are intended to apply regardlessof the origin of the waste, i.e. imported waste is also subject to the provisions on exemptions or on exemptionapplication.