NO Norvège
  • T40T - Transport urbain et routier

The regulations applies for manufacturer’s obligations concerning national individual approval in ChapterFour of the regulation.

Regulations relating to amendments to Regulations of 28th June 2022 No. 1233 on the approval of cars andcar trailers for public consultation

The Norwegian Road Administration hereby submits for consultation a proposal to amend Regulation 28June 2022 no. 1233 on the approval of cars and car trailers (the Motor Vehicles regulations).

This consultation concerns a proposal to change Appendix 1 - Technical requirements for individual approval.The change entails a new structure in the preparation of the requirements and a different order and division ofrequirement areas. The new structure on technical requirements will harmonize with (EU) 2018/858, Annex 2regarding requirments for the purpose of EU-type approval of vehicles. systems, components or separatetechnical unit.
The new appendix will also contain some new technical requirements compared to the existing. As a result ofthe changes in Appendix 1, changes are also proposed to section 4-4 and Appendix 5 of the vehicleregulations.
We are also proposing a new section 2-10 "Speed limiter" which previously have been described in chapter 47of the Vehivle Regulations and Chapter 44 og the Regulations realting to vehicle requirements, but thereference to them has been unfortunate with regard to the fact that the aforementioned regulations do notcover the approval of new vehicles- without a direct reference from the Motor Vehicle Regulations. Therequirements for set speed for the various vehicle groups are therefore now proposed in a new section 2-10 offthe Motor Vehicle Regulations. Exemptions form the installation of speed limiters for certain vehicles are alsoproposed to be included in a new section 2-10.