ES Espagne
  • SERV60 - Services liés à Internet

Data terminal equipment with internet connection; consumer-user contracts; audiovisual media service andvideo-sharing platform service providers.

Draft Organic Law for the Protection of Minors in Digital Environments

This preliminary draft organic law aims to establish measures with the aim of guaranteeing the protection ofminors in digital environments.

In detail:
1) Manufacturers of data terminal equipment with an internet connection are required to provide informationand establish parental control mechanisms.
2) Access to random reward mechanisms or their activation by minors is restricted.
3) It promotes training on the proper use of digital media in schools and the regulation of their use within them.
4) The adoption of preventive measures and specialised care by health administrations is promoted.
5) Participation, information and awareness-raising measures on safe digital environments are envisaged, aswell as the adoption of a National Strategy on the Protection of Children and Adolescents in the DigitalEnvironment.
6) It is promoted that providers of Internet access service from a fixed location approve a code of conduct thatestablishes the mechanisms and parameters of secure configuration that they undertake to apply in providing
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Single Market Enforcement
Notification of Regulatory Barriers
their services in places of public access where public services are provided, to avoid minors accessinginappropriate content.
7) Criminal protection measures are taken.
8) Emphasis is placed on the economic operator’s obligation to ensure the age of majority of the consumer anduser prior to contracting goods or services intended for adults, either because of their sexual, violent content orbecause they pose a risk to physical health or personality development.
9) The minimum age for consent to the processing of personal data is raised from 14 to 16 years.
10) Various measures for the protection of minors are adopted in the field of audiovisual media services: (i) ontheir corporate websites, audiovisual media service providers and video-sharing platform service providersshall include an easily recognisable and accessible link to the website of the audiovisual supervisory authority;(ii) the age verification systems to be established by video-sharing platform service providers should beoperated by default, and aligned with the technical specifications that serve as the basis for the implementationof the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI Wallet); (iii) these same providers must establish systems ofparental control due to defects; (iv) new obligations are imposed on users of particular relevance aimed atreducing the exposure of users of video-sharing platform services to harmful or harmful content; and (v)supervisory and sanctioning measures against non-compliances are strengthened.