ES Espagne

Agricultural activities and crops referred to in point 4 of the draft Regulation governing the use.

Livestock activities and animal species referred to in point 4 of the draft Regulation governing the use.

Draft Regulation governing the use of the guarantee mark for Sustainable Agricultural Production (SAP),which includes the technical standards to be used in sustainable agricultural production.

The draft Regulation governing the use of the guarantee mark for Sustainable Agricultural Production (SAP),which includes the technical standards to be used in sustainable agricultural production is notified.

Sustainable Agricultural Production is a production model that allows for the evaluation and classification ofagricultural holdings (agricultural holdings and farms) according to their level of sustainability from threeaspects (environmental, social and economic), in an objective and quantitative manner. This production modelis completely voluntary and aims to promote the transition to more sustainable food models and to implementall the European policies on sustainability, such as the Farm to Fork, the Biodiversity Strategy, the CircularBioeconomy Strategy, the European Product Environmental FootPrint Initiative (PEF).
This model provides for the possibility to use a guarantee mark to identify products produced on farms thatcomply with the technical standards for Sustainable Agricultural Production. The guarantee mark is obtainedonce the public/private and voluntary certification process has been passed. This way, consumers can bereached, and they can recognize the added value of these products.
Sustainable Agricultural Production highlights the value of the well-done work of farms that strive to achievenew sustainability challenges, making food production and resource conservation compatible, preserving theenvironment; without forgetting the achievement of social and economic goals.
Key worlds: Sustainable Agricultural Production, sustainability, production model, food production, resourceconservation, social goals, economic goals, product differentiation, certification

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