NL Pays-Bas

Establishment of the environmental quality of recycling granulate; Inspection of underground storage tanks and fittings; Installation of geothermal systems.

Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, of [date],

No IENW/BSK-, amending the Soil Quality Regulation 2022 in connection with the updating of standarddocuments

The amending Regulation identifies updated standard documents in the Soil Quality Regulation 2022. TheSoil Quality Regulation 2022 addresses the requirements of the Soil Quality Decree (2006/0496/NL). Thestandard documents lay down detailed rules to ensure that work on soil research and protection is carried outwith good quality and integrity (the ‘Kwalibo’ system). Companies carrying out work must be approved by theMinister, on the basis of accreditation or certification. Standard documents are regularly updated. Thedesignation in the 2022 Soil Quality Regulation takes place on the basis of the Soil Quality Decree.

The standard documents have now been modified:
• to be able to take advantage of state-of-the-art technology,
• to demonstrate that recycling granulate certified on the basis of BRL 2506-2 complies with the environmentalrequirements set out in the Soil Quality Regulation 2022 (2021/0290/NL).
The Soil Quality Regulation 2022 (2021/0290/NL) Articles 2.1 and 2.2 refer to Annex C. This Annex C isamended to use the updated standard documents. The standard documents mentioned therein contain theactual technical requirements.
Mutual recognition is possible on the link of Article 13 of the Soil Quality Decree (2006/0496/NL), provided thata comparable level of protection for Dutch soil is achieved.
All standards documents referred to have been checked for possible incompatibility with the EuropeanConstruction Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products andrepealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC). One standard document concerns the establishment of theenvironmental quality of recycling granulate; the other standard documents lay down rules on work.
The Technical Requirements as set out in the amended standard documents to be designated for products(building materials, as referred to in the Soil Quality Decree) relate only to the way in which it is determinedthat they comply with the environmental quality requirements necessary to protect soil and surface water.
These environmental quality requirements are set out in the 2022 Soil Quality Regulation, and remainunchanged. There is no harmonised European regulation for these environmental quality requirements.