FI Finlande

Tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, refill containers, nicotine-containing liquids, liquids other thannicotine-containing liquids for use in electronic cigarettes

Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health amending the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs andHealth on the labelling and other appearance of tobacco and related products and their unit packets

The Tobacco Act (549/2016) has been amended by Act xx/2024, which enters into force on xx.xx.202x. Adefinition of smokeless nicotine product which covers nicotine pouches and products closely resembling thesewas added to the Act. Nicotine pouches also meet the definition of tobacco substitutes.

Under section 39a, subsection 1, paragraph 5 of the Tobacco Act, the unit packet of a smokeless nicotineproduct must carry health warnings in Finnish and Swedish. According to section 39a, subsection 5, furtherprovisions may be laid down by a decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health concerning the text, fontand font size, colour, surface area, location and other specifications for the health warning referred to insubsection 1, paragraph 5.
Section 39a, subsection 1 of the Tobacco Act will enter into force six months after the entry into force of Actxx/2024, i.e. [date] [month] 202x.
It is proposed to add a new section 14a on the health warning for unit packets of smokeless nicotine productsto the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on the labelling and other appearance of tobacco andrelated products and their unit packets (591/2016).
In addition, it is proposed that section 20, subsection 3 of the Decree be amended to take smokeless nicotineproducts and their warning labels into account.