AU Australie
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Foods in general

Proposal M1022 – 2023 MRL Harmonisation Proposal: Call for submissions report. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 45

This Proposal seeks to amend Schedule 20 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to align maximum residue limits (MRLs) with: (a) the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority MRL Standard; (b) Codex Alimentarius Commission; and (c) other trading partner standards; relating to residues of agricultural and veterinary (agvet) chemicals in food.

This Proposal also includes corrections of typographical and formatting errors, necessary to improve the integrity of Schedule 20.

For further information, please contact the MRL Team at FSANZ (

Agvet chemicals where increased or new MRLs are being considered for specified plant commodities: acibenzolar-S-methyl, aclonifen, afidopyropen, azoxystrobin, benzovindiflupyr, bifenthrin, broflanilide, buprofezin, chlorantraniliprole, chlormequat, cyflufenamid, cyflumetofen, cyhalofop-butyl, cyhalothrin, dichlorprop-P, difenoconazole, diflubenzuron, dimethoate, emamectin, etoxazole, famoxadone, fenazaquin, fenpicoxamid, flazasulfuron, florasulam, fluazaindolizine, fludioxonil, flupyradifurone, flutianil, flutolanil, flutriafol, fluxapyroxad, folpet, fosetyl-aluminium, glyphosate, indaziflam, indoxacarb, inpyrfluxam, mandipropamid, mefentrifluconazole, mesosulfuron-methyl, metaflumizone, metalaxyl, metamitron, metconazole, milbemectin, norflurazon, omethoate, oxathiapiprolin, pinoxaden, prohexadione-calcium, prosulfocarb, pydiflumetofen, pyraflufen-ethyl, pyridate, pyrimethanil, rimsulfuron, simazine, spiromesifen, sulfoxaflor, teflubenzuron, tetraniliprole, triflumuron, trinexapac-ethyl, valifenalate and zoxamide.

Agvet chemicals where increased or new MRLs are being considered for specified animal commodities: afidopyropen, broflanilide, chlormequat, dimethoate, emamectin, fenazaquin, flazasulfuron, fluazaindolizine, fludioxonil, flutriafol, indoxacarb, inpyrfluxam, mefentrifluconazole, omethoate, spiromesifen, tetraniliprole, triflumuron.

Agvet chemicals where deletions or reductions in MRLs are being proposed for specified plant commodities: azoxystrobin, boscalid, carbofuran, chlorfenapyr, diclofop-methyl, diflubenzuron, dimethoate, famoxadone, fenazaquin, fludioxonil, flumioxazin, fluxapyroxad, folpet, glyphosate, indoxacarb, mandipropamid, mefentrifluconazole, methidathion, piperonyl butoxide, pydiflumetofen, pyraclostrobin, pyrethrins, saflufenacil, tetraniliprole, triflumuron

Agvet chemicals where deletions or reductions in MRLs are being proposed for specified animal commodities: fludioxonil and trichlorfon.

New chemicals proposed for inclusion in schedule 20 of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code are: 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene, flufenoxuron and fluindapyr.

Agvet chemicals where consequential amendments were required to (a) add or remove exceptions for some commodities; (b) correct typographical errors; (c) convert a temporary MRL to a permanent MRL; (d) amend or update the commodity name; but there are no changes made to MRLs: amitrole, bixafen, boscalid, broflanilide, buprofezin, butroxydim, carbaryl, carbendazim, chlormequat, cyantraniliprole, 2,4-D, deltamethrin, dichlorvos, diclofop-methyl, difenoconazole, dimethoate, diuron, dodine, EPTC, etoxazole, fenvalerate, fipronil, fluazifop-p-butyl, fludioxonil, fluensulfone, flumioxazin, fluopyram, flupyradifurone, flutriafol, fluxapyroxad, glufosinate and glufosinate-ammonium, glyphosate, mandipropamid, mefentrifluconazole, metaldehyde, metazachlor, metconazole, omethoate, oxathiapiprolin, pendimethalin, phosphine, piperonyl butoxide, propaquizafop, pydiflumetofen, pyraclostrobin, pyrethrins, pyrimethanil, saflufenacil, simazine, triallate, trichlorfon and trifluralin.

An agvet chemical where the residue definition is being updated: cyhalofop-butyl. Agvet chemicals where a new or amended All other foods except animal food commodities MRL is being proposed: broflanilide, chlormequat, flutriafol and inpyrfluxam.