PT Portugal
  • N30E - Gaz

Definition of rules for pipeline distribution of natural gas, blends of natural gas with gases of renewableorigin, and/or low carbon and hydrogen gases.

Draft Regulation of the National Gas Distribution Network.

The Regulation establishes, inter alia, the technical and safety conditions to be met by the design,construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the infrastructures of the National GasDistribution Network (NGDN), as well as pipelines distributing hydrogen at pressures greater than or equal to20 bar.

One of the main aspects addressed by the Regulation is the improvement of the regulatory framework of theNGDN, in order to promote the use of renewable gases, and in particular hydrogen. Portugal's objective is topromote the use of green hydrogen (100 %) in the industry and transport sector, and its export. This regulationaims, inter alia, to establish the technical criteria and operational aspects for the production, certification,distribution, storage, and prevention of leakage.
The Regulation also sets out criteria for maximum hydrogen concentration in the NGDN and defines end-usersof renewable hydrogen, in line with the EU hydrogen strategy, targeting hard-to-decarbonise applications in theindustry and transport sectors.
Key words: natural gas, gas, renewable gases, low-carbon gases, hydrogen.