DK Danemark

This Order concerns tobacco products, herbal products for smoking and technical equipment used withheated tobacco.

Draft Order on the standardisation of tobacco packages, herbal products for smoking and technicalequipment used with heated tobacco

The amendments to the Order lay down requirements for the standardisation of technical equipment usedwith heated tobacco. The amendment follows notification 2024/326/DK, in which Denmark has notified a draftAct providing authorisation to lay down the requirements.

The amendments to the Order concern:
- Colour requirements and packet elements on unit packets, outer packaging and wrapping material fortechnical equipment used with heated tobacco
- Surfaces etc. of unit packets and outer packaging of technical equipment used with heated tobacco
- Wrapping material on unit packets and outer packaging of technical equipment used with heated tobacco
- Labelling, etc. on unit packets and outer packaging of technical equipment used with heated tobacco
- Functionality, size, etc. of technical equipment used with heated tobacco
The additions in relation to the existing Order appear with amendment markings.