NL Pays-Bas

Pyrotechnic articles

Regulation of the State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management of ........,

No IENW/BSK-, amending the Regulation on other pyrotechnic articles in connection with the implementationof the Benelux Decision in connection with the prevention of improper use of pyrotechnic articles.

The purpose of the Regulation is to implement the Decision of the Benelux Committee of Ministers oncombating the improper use of pyrotechnic articles intended for the general public – M (2022) 7 (BeneluxOfficial Journal 2022, No 2). To this end, the Regulation on other pyrotechnic articles is amended. A newArticle 4a is added prohibiting the possession/use and sale of certain P1 articles to persons other than personswith specialised knowledge for P2 or persons holding a licence or equivalent document.

Given the nature of this Regulation – an amendment to the Regulation on other pyrotechnic articles by whichthe general public may no longer possess or use certain types of pyrotechnic articles of category P1 and thesemay not be sold to the general public – it is not possible to include a mutual recognition provision.