SG Singapour
  • 85 - Machines, appareils et matériels électriques et leurs parties; appareils d'enregistrement ou de reproduction du son, appareils d'enregistrement ou de reproduction des images et du son en télévision, et parties et accessoires de ces appareils

Products Covered


Entry Y49 to Annex II (i.e. Wastes Requiring Special Consideration) of the Basel Convention* – Electrical and Electronic Waste (HS Code Header: 85.49):

·        Waste electrical and electronic equipment:

o   not containing and not contaminated with Annex I (i.e. categories of wastes to be controlled) constituents to an extent that the waste exhibits an Annex III characteristic (i.e. hazardous characteristics), and

o   in which none of the components (e.g. certain circuit boards, certain display devices) contain or are contaminated with Annex I constituents to an extent that the component exhibits an Annex III characteristic

·        Waste components of electrical and electronic equipment (e.g. certain circuit boards, certain display devices) not containing and not contaminated with Annex I constituents to an extent that the waste components exhibit an Annex III characteristic, unless covered by another entry in Annex II (i.e. waste requiring special consideration) or by an entry in Annex IX.

·        Wastes arising from the processing of waste electrical and electronic equipment or waste components of electrical and electronic equipment (e.g. fractions arising from shredding or dismantling), and not containing and not contaminated with Annex I constituents to an extent that the waste exhibits an Annex III characteristic, unless covered by another entry in Annex II or by an entry in Annex IX.


Entry A1181 to Annex VIII (i.e. Waste Characterized as Hazardous) to the Basel Convention* – Electrical and Electronic Waste (HS Code Header: 85.49):

·        Waste electrical and electronic equipment

o   containing or contaminated with cadmium, lead, mercury, organohalogen compounds or other Annex I constituents to an extent that the waste exhibits an Annex III characteristic, or

o   with a component containing or contaminated with Annex I constituents to an extent that the component exhibits an Annex III characteristic, including but not limited to any of the following components:

§  glass from cathode-ray tubes included on list A

§  a battery included on list A

§  a switch, lamp, fluorescent tube or a display device backlight which contains mercury

§  a capacitor containing PCBs

§  a component containing asbestos

§  certain circuit boards

§  certain display devices

§  certain plastic components containing a brominated flame retardant

·        Waste components of electrical and electronic equipment containing or contaminated with Annex I constituents to an extent that the waste components exhibit an Annex III characteristic, unless covered by another entry on list A

·        Wastes arising from the processing of waste electrical and electronic equipment or waste components of electrical and electronic equipment, and containing or contaminated with Annex I constituents to an extent that the waste exhibits an Annex III characteristic (e.g. fractions arising from shredding or dismantling), unless covered by another entry on list A

NEA Circular on Transboundary Movement Control on Electronic Waste under the Basel Convention; (4 page(s), in English)

Singapore is a Party to the Basel Convention and noting that the scope of coverage of the Basel Convention will be amended, NEA is proposing to align the list of waste electrical and electronic equipment and its components ("e-waste") under Singapore's Hazardous Waste (Control of Export, Import and Transit) Act with the Basel Convention. Companies that intend to import or export e-waste, or whose e-waste transits through Singapore, will be required to carry out the Prior Informed Consent procedure specified under the Basel Convention and obtain a Basel Permit from NEA prior to shipment.