CZ République Tchèque
  • S70E - Substances dangereuses

Pyrotechnic articles as defined in Directive 2013/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council onthe harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market ofpyrotechnic articles

Draft Act amending Act No 206/2015 on pyrotechnic articles and their handling and amending certain acts(the Pyrotechnics Act), as amended, and other related acts

The daft Act amends the Pyrotechnics Act, which transposes Directives 2013/29/EU, 2014/58/EU andRegulation 2019/515.

The amendment changes the provisions concerning the professional competence of persons handlingpyrotechnic articles of categories F4, T2 and P2 by extending the scope of activities for which professionalcompetence will be required when handling these pyrotechnic articles. The draft Act also regulates theprocedure by which professional competence is acquired. The draft Act further stipulates that professionalcompetence will be required for category F3 pyrotechnic articles in the case of their purchase and firing (thisprofessional competence does not apply to economic operators, however).
Furthermore, the supervisory authority for pyrotechnic articles is being changed and the Pyrotechnics Act isbeing amended in connection with the corrigendum to the Czech language version of Directive 2013/29/EUpublished in Official Journal L38/42 on 10 2. 2018.
The draft Act also stipulates that pyrotechnic articles may not be used within 250 metres of buildings such ashospitals, homes for senior citizens, social service centres , breeding stations, zoos and others.
The draft Act gives municipalities the power to restrict the use of pyrotechnic articles within their limits.
In addition to amending the Pyrotechnics Act, which is the subject of the notification, the draft Act also amendsthe Act on Administrative Fees and the Act on Market Surveillance of Products. These two acts (AdministrativeFees Act and Product Market Surveillance Act) are not subject to notification.
Keywords: pyrotechnic articles, persons with professional competence