RO Romania

It is considered necessary to supplement Order No 579/2024 on informing consumers who fall under thecategory of disabled persons, by economic operators, in relation to their access to public transport servicesand respectively in the buildings owned by them

Order amending and supplementing Order No 579/2024 on informing consumers who fall under thecategory of disabled persons, by economic operators, in relation to their access to public transport services

Article I. - Order No 579/2024 of 04/06/2024 on informing consumers who fall under the category of disabledpersons, by economic operators, in relation to their access to public transport services and respectively in thebuildings owned by them, published in Official Gazette of Romania Part I No 547 of 12 June 2024, is herebyamended as follows:

1) in Article 2, two new paragraphs shall be added after paragraph 2, namely paragraphs 21 and 22, readingas follows:
21. Transport operators are obliged to inform, within the means of transport, the price of a journey also inBraille system.
22. The information shall be provided by transport operators by providing the consumer with a device enablingthe message referred to in paragraph 21 to be reproduced in Braille system.
2) in Article 4, a new paragraph, namely paragraph 4, is added after paragraph 3, reading as follows:
4. The plate referred to in paragraph 1 shall be A4 size, black Tahoma 18 colour, Bold font, and the pictogramshall be 6.96cm x 6.88cm, white colour on a blue background.
3) The Annex to Order No 579/2024 of 04/06/2024 on informing consumers who fall under the category ofdisabled persons, by economic operators, in relation to their access to public transport services andrespectively in the buildings owned by them, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No 547 of 12June 2024, is amended and replaced by the Annex to this Order.
4) This Order shall enter into force 30 days after publication in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
This Order was adopted in accordance with the notification procedure laid down in Directive (EU) 2015/1535 ofthe European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 laying down a procedure for the provision ofinformation in the field of technical regulations and of the rules on Information Society services, transposed intoRomanian law by Government Decision No 1016/2004 on measures for the organisation and exchange ofinformation in the field of technical standards and regulations and of the rules on Information Society servicesbetween Romania and the Member States of the European Union, as well as the European Commission, assubsequently amended and supplemented.