DE Allemagne
  • SERV60 - Services liés à Internet

Rules on the transmission of electronic documents and structured data to courts and on digitalcommunication between parties to proceedings and the court via a communication platform; in each caseincluding technical framework conditions

Act on the Development and Testing of an Online Procedure in Civil Jurisdiction

1) Provisions on civil court proceedings and a digital legal application centre by amending the Code of CivilProcedure (Article 1(4) of the draft)

- for filing a civil a action with the court by means of a digital input system in electronic legal transactions or viaa communication platform;
- for the development and nationwide standardised provision of digital input systems for applications anddeclarations by the parties in online civil court proceedings;
- for the development and nationwide standardised provision of further digital input systems, that serve theelectronic creation of applications or declarations from the area of competence of the legal application offices.
2) Deletion of the secure transmission channel via the mailbox and dispatch service of a De-Mail account bymeans of amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure and other rules of procedure (Article 1(2); Articles 3 to15)