NO Norvège
  • 31 - Engrais

Fertilising products of organic origin and certain inorganic fertilising products

Draft regulations concerning the manufacture, placing on the market and import of fertilising products of organic origin and certain inorganic fertilising products (Fertilising Products Regulations); (27 page(s), in English), (27 page(s), in Norwegian)

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has proposed a new regulation concerning the production and marketing of fertilising products. It provides rules for safe fertiliser production and is adapted to changes that have taken place in the marked regarding increased interest in the use of waste and by-products in the production of fertilisers.

The proposal introduces the following amendments:


·        The requirements for hygienisation and stabilisation are clarified, and the indicator organism thermotolerant coliform bacteria is changed to E. coli.

·        A limit value has been added for arsenic.

·        The table of raw materials and raw material categories that can be used in fertiliser production has been updated (appendix 1) and a new system with applications for the use of other types of raw materials that are not listed in the table is being introduced.


·        The registration obligation changes from a requirement for product registration to a requirement for business registration.

·        Labelling requirements that earlier were included in a standard are now in the regulation.

·        Both organic and inorganic biostimulants are covered by the new regulation, and they are more clearly distinguished from pesticides.

·        There is a new paragraph concerning products traded under the agreement of mutual recognition in the EEA.