BR Brésil
  • 34 - Savons, agents de surface organiques, préparations pour lessives, préparations lubrifiantes, cires artificielles, cires préparées, produits d'entretien, bougies et articles similaires, pâtes à modeler, «cires pour l'art dentaire» et compositions pour l'ar

Organic surface-active agents (excl. soap); surface-active preparations, washing preparations, incl. auxiliary washing preparations, and cleaning preparations, whether or not containing soap (excl. those of heading 3401) (HS code(s): 3402)

Draft resolution 1275, 27 August 2024; (11 page(s), in Portuguese)

This draft resolution contains provisions on criteria for the regularization of cleaning products and the like and on the biodegradability of anionic surfactants. It is a proposal to review the Mercosur Technical Regulation for Cleaning and Related Products, GMC Resolution No. 47/07