US Etats-Unis d'Amérique
  • 03 - Services, Organisation de l'entreprise, Gestion et qualité, Administration, Transport, Sociologie
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 19 - Essais
  • 23 - Fluidique et composants à usage général
  • 75 - Industrie du pétrole et technologies associées

Calculation, monitoring, and reporting of greenhouse gas data for petroleum and natural gas systems facilities; Quality management and quality assurance (ICS code(s): 03.120.10); Product and company certification. Conformity assessment (ICS code(s): 03.120.20); Air quality (ICS code(s): 13.040); Environmental testing (ICS code(s): 19.040); Pipeline components and pipelines (ICS code(s): 23.040); Valves (ICS code(s): 23.060); Pumps (ICS code(s): 23.080); Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas (ICS code(s): 75.020); Exploratory, drilling and extraction equipment (ICS code(s): 75.180.10);

Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment (ICS code(s): 75.200)

Use of Advanced and Emerging Technologies for Quantification of Annual Facility Methane Emissions Under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites public comment on the potential for expanded use of advanced and emerging technologies for methane emissions quantification in EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP). These technologies are an important part of EPA's GHGRP, including under the recently finalized amendments for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems. EPA intends to use the feedback received in response to this RFI to consider whether it is appropriate to undertake further rulemaking addressing the use of advanced measurement technologies in the GHGRP for petroleum and natural gas systems and municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, beyond the current role provided in existing rules for these technologies.

Comments must be received on or before 28 October 2024.