NO Norvège
  • T40T - Transport urbain et routier

The regulations applies for manufacturer’s obligations concerning national individual approval in ChapterFour of the regulation.

Regulations relating to amendments to Regulations of 28th June 2022 No. 1233 on the approval of cars andcar trailers for public consultation

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration proposes new provisions in Chapter 4 of the regulationconcerning individual approval to regulate the manufacturer’s obligations. The purpose is to clarify themanufacturer’s responsibilities and responsibilities related to the individual approval of the complete vehicle.The provisions will also clarify the responsibility for components, systems, or separate technical units in theconstruction of the vehicle. The proposal also includes provisions for notifying other manufacturers of changesmade to the vehicle and conditions for making changes in future construction stages.

The proposal theoretically does not change the legal status quo but clarifies key aspects of Regulation (EU)2018/858 and Safety Regulation (EU) 2019/2144. The proposed provisions are currently in effect throughSection 1-4 of the Vehicle Regulation, but there is a specific need to specify these in relation to nationalindividual approval of new vehicles.
The proposal also aims to enhance focus on collaboration among manufacturers, precisely to ensure a moreefficient approval process. In the multi-stage construction of vehicles, it is crucial that respective manufacturersare aware of their responsibilities and communicate with other manufacturers regarding factors that mayimpact various requirements and the levels covered by these.
The proposal will concretize the various manufacturers’ responsibilities in connection with the construction of avehicle in several stages, and by several manufacturers. The Road Administration believes it is especiallyimportant to strengthen the interaction between the different manufacturers, because vehicle technology, andthe various safety systems are becoming more complex and have significant conditions that must be securedso that the functions intended to ensure road safety are maintained.