NZ Nouvelle-Zélande
  • 24 - Tabacs et succédanés de tabac fabriqués

Disposable vaping products

Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill (No 2); (7 page(s), in English)

The Bill prescribes certain characteristics for vaping products manufactured, sold, supplied or distributed in New Zealand.

The Bill does this by amending the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 to introduce a prohibition on the manufacture, sale, supply, and distribution of 'disposable vaping products'. 'Disposable vaping products' are defined by reference to certain product characteristics, as:

disposable vaping product means a vaping product that is not designed or

intended to be reused, and includes—

A) a vaping device that—

(i) is not designed to be refilled by the user with a vaping substance;


(ii) is not designed to be recharged; or

(iii) both subparagraphs (i) and (ii) describe; and

B) a container that—

(i) is pre-filled with a vaping substance; and

(ii) is designed to be fitted into a vaping device; and

(iii) is not designed to be refilled by the user with a vaping substance