NZ Nouvelle-Zélande
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Foods sold in New Zealand (both imported and domestically produced)

Call for submissions, Application A1260 – 2-Methyloxolane as a processing aid; Supporting Document 1 Risk and technical assessment report, Application A1260 – 2-Methyloxolane as a processing aid;; (28 page(s), in English and 23 page(s), in English)

FSANZ has assessed an application to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) to permit use of 2-methyloxolane (2-MeOx) as an extraction solvent processing aid. 2-MeOx can be used to extract and separate oils and proteins from plant-based products, including oilseeds. It can also be used to extract components such as flavours, fragrances and colours, again from plant-based sources.

FSANZ concluded the extraction solvent achieves its technological purpose. An identity and purity specification is to be inserted into Schedule 3 of the Code (which reflects the specifications detailed in Commission Directive (EU) 2023/175 dated 26 January 2023), to ensure the product meets the appropriate requirements so that the presence of certain impurities is minimised. FSANZ proposes to set maximum permitted levels (MPL) for residual 2-MeOx in foods: 3 mg/kg for infant formula products; 5 mg/kg in foods for infants and formulated supplementary foods for young children; and 20 mg/kg for other foods.

No public health and safety concerns were identified from 2-MeOx as an extraction solvent at the proposed MPLs.