LT Lithuanie

By-products include substances or objects originating from industry, construction, agriculture, energy andother branches of the economy other than agriculture, where the primary purpose is not the production of thatsubstance or object, hereinafter referred to as “manufacturing waste”.

Draft Order approving the procedure for classifying manufacturing waste as by-products

The project shall establish the criteria for manufacturing waste and the procedure for classification as by-products.

Manufacturing waste must be classified as by-products and shall not be regarded as waste in accordance withthe Law of the Republic of Lithuania on waste management if:
All the conditions laid down in Article 3(1) of the Law on Waste Management are fulfilled;
A business whose production results in manufacturing waste which meet the conditions set out in sub-section2.1 of the Procedure may demonstrate, by means of the documents referred to in sections 14 or 15 of thedescription of the procedure, compliance of the manufacturing waste with the conditions set out in sub-section2.1 of the Procedure.