GR Grèce
  • T40T - Transport urbain et routier

Cyclists’ Marking

Draft Directive on the Information Marking of Cyclists [Guidelines for Road Works Studies - InformationMarking of Cyclists (ΟΜΟΕ-ΠΣΠ)]

The general instructions on Information Marking of Roads do not meet the needs of all road users ingeneral. It is therefore imperative to draw up specific Information Marking instructions for cyclists as anothergroup of road users and their respective infrastructure.

The purpose of these instructions is to describe the rules and conditions governing the Information Marking ofCyclists so that this marking ensures a short, safe and comfortable route for cyclists when travelling on theurban and interurban network of roads and cycle paths. Searching for the optimal route of a cyclist from his/herpoint of origin to the point of destination by using a map, although particularly useful, is often difficult.Moreover, reading a map is not always self-explanatory for all cyclists. The Information Marking of Cyclists hasthe advantage of being understood by all cyclists and no particular preparation is required for planning andchoosing their route.
Where new routes for cyclists are constructed or configured outside the main road network, they shall beprimarily identifiable only by the relevant Information Marking.
The framework for drawing up the rules and conditions for the correct Information Marking of Cyclists includesall types of bicycle travel, such as professional travel, leisure travel, tourist travel, etc.