LU Luxembourg

Manufacture and marketing of nicotine pouches

Draft law amending the amended Law of 11 August 2006 on tobacco control

This draft amends the amended Law of 11 August 2006 on tobacco control. In Article 1, the definitions of“nicotine pouches” and “new nicotine products” are added. The amendment to Article 3 introduces a similarregime for nicotine pouches as that for tobacco products, making them subject to the same restrictions onadvertising and sponsorship. The amendment to Article 3a makes nicotine pouches subject to the sameobligations on reporting and notification to the Health Directorate as tobacco products, so that the healthauthorities can exercise effective control over products on the market. The amendment to Article 3b providesthat the labelling of nicotine pouches must provide relevant and appropriate information on the safety of theiruse and must not contain any element or provision that is likely to mislead or make the product attractive. Theamendment to Article 4 aims to impose health warnings for nicotine pouches as well. The amendment whichamends Article 5 includes a new provision on raising awareness of the risks associated with nicotineconsumption in activities implemented or subsidised by the government in relation to tobacco control. Theamendment to Article 6 is intended to prohibit the consumption of nicotine pouches in places frequented byyoung people, as these products are particularly attractive to this category of the population. The amendmentto Article 7 is intended to regulate the placing on the market of nicotine pouches by regulating the nicotinecontent and banning certain additives. This amendment also aims to require the presence of a child lock onnicotine pouches in order to avoid accidental ingestion. The amendment to Article 9 provides for a ban onsales to minors as well as on free distribution and distance selling, as is already the case for tobacco products.