LT Lithuanie
  • S20E - Dechets

End-of-waste secondary raw material of recycled tyre rubber

Draft Order of the Minister for the Environment amending Order No D1 48 of the Minister for theEnvironment of the Republic of Lithuania of 14 February 2022 on the approval of the description of the end-of-waste criteria for recycled tyre waste

The main changes proposed in the draft are:

1. It is proposed to specify the documentation certifying the compliance of tyre rubber secondary raw materialwith the requirements laid down in the description of end-of-waste criteria for recycled tyre waste approved byOrder No D1 48 of the Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania of 14 February 2022 on theapproval of the description of the end-of-waste criteria for recycled tyre waste (hereinafter ‘the description’) tobe handed over to the user of this material when reselling the tyre rubber secondary raw material to anotheruser. It is also proposed to provide that tyre rubber secondary raw material which has been disposed of shallbe considered as waste if it has not been used for the declared purpose for more than six months from thedate of issue of the declaration.
2. It is proposed to provide that the quality management system shall only be assessed in accordance withRegulation (EC) No 765/2008 or Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 when the manufacturer of tyre rubbersecondary raw material submits an accreditation in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008.
3. It is proposed to add to the description a provision on the application of the principle of mutual recognitionintroduced by Regulation (EU) 2019/515 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 onthe mutual recognition of goods lawfully marketed in another Member State and repealing Regulation (EC) No764/2008 to exports and imports of tyre rubber secondary raw material.