NL Pays-Bas

Documents on registration objects must be provided in order to be able to enter subsoil data in the basicsubsoil register. Catalogues specify these data. This amending regulation adds two catalogues and amends acatalogue.

Regulation of the Minister of VRO of [PM date], No 2024-0000362233, adding catalogues of theenvironmental quality registration domain and amending the groundwater monitoring well catalogue of theRegulation on the basic register for subsoil

To a certain extent, this draft Regulation amends the rules governing the content of the basic register of sub-surface data (BRO). The BRO Act provides for the establishment of the BRO, consisting of structured digitaldetailed data on the subsoil of the Netherlands. Catalogues, which are set out in the BRO Regulation, specifythe data that the BRO lays down.

A mutual recognition clause is included in Article 15 of the BRO Regulation.
In the present amending regulation, Article I(A)(4) and Parts D and E may contain technical requirements.
In these Parts, two catalogues are added and one catalogues amended. Catalogues contain technical rulesbecause the catalogues lay down requirements for the software on the basis of which source holders and theircontractors must operate.
The two catalogues to be added are:
• environmental hygiene soil survey (Site Assessment Data or SAD from the investigations) and
• government decree on soil contamination (Soil Legal Decisions or SLD from the category user rights).
SAD deals with the quantitative examination of the nature and levels of contaminants in the soil. SLD concernsdata from a competent authority when assessing and/or handling soil contamination.
In addition, the catalogue ‘Groundwater monitoring well (GMW)’ is amended. For example, the changesinclude the measurement of groundwater wells and some changes to the well code.