NL Pays-Bas
  • N20E - Electricité

Electricity meters

Regulations amending the Swedish Energy Agency’s regulations (STEMFS 2017:2) on guarantees of originfor electricity

The main amendment concerns Section 14 on the measurement of electricity generated in an electricitygeneration plant that feeds electricity into an electricity network not covered by network concessions (non-concession-regulated network). The draft regulations require the electricity generator to measure the fed-inelectricity every 15 minutes and report the measurement values to the Swedish Energy Agency. Thisconstitutes a change from the current requirement that the fed-in electricity must be measured every hour. As aresult of the draft regulations, the same requirements are being imposed on generation plants whosemeasurement point is into a non-concession-regulated network and generation plants whose measurementpoint is into a concession-regulated network.

The draft regulations also include some minor changes of a more administrative nature.
The amended regulations lay down requirements for meters that are used for the allocation of guarantees oforigin in a non-concession-regulated network. The Authority believes that some meters may be being sold onthe European market that do not have the capacity to provide measurement values every 15 minutes.