HU Hongrie
  • SERV30 - Média

Regulation of advertising

Restriction of internet access services

Draft act restricting access to pornographic content on the internet for the protection of children, andamending certain acts relating to electronic commerce services and advertising

The draft stipulates that the service provider is obliged to operate an easily accessible, transparent anduser-friendly electronic system on its website, in order to facilitate the reporting and removal of any content thatviolates minors’ personality rights.

According to the draft, internet service providers are obliged to provide an internet screening service to filterout pornographic sites, at the request of parents. Internet service providers shall inform the subscriber inadvance of the possibility of a safe service (which is provided with regard to underage users), and the fact thatit is free of charge for individual subscribers.
The draft states that the service provider is also obliged to provide an unfiltered service, in addition to safeinternet access (which is provided with regard to underage users) in the case of fixed (home) services.
Screening is done based on a constantly updated black list, drawn up by the National Media andInfocommunications Authority, of the most visited websites specifically dedicated to pornographic content.
With the amendment of the advertising rules, the draft provides that in the case of advertisements via anapplication provider or a video-sharing platform service provider the nature of the advertisement must beclearly indicated, also taking into account influencer activities. It is prohibited to advertise goods or products ortheir use to children or minors in a way that is harmful or dangerous to life, health or physical integrity.
There is a specific provision on the advertising of alcoholic beverages, which for example prohibits suchadvertisements immediately before, during and immediately after the publishing of any content, via anapplication provider or video-sharing platform service provider under Act CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects ofelectronic commerce services and information society services, which addresses children or minors.