SE Suède

Non-food agricultural and aquaculture products

Regulations amending the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s Regulations (SJVFS 2021:47) on organicproduction

The regulations lay down rules for operators producing and handling non-food agricultural and

aquaculture products and rules for the relevant control bodies
The major changes proposed concern the following:

Chapter 1
Section 6 Operators selling unpackaged organic products other than feed directly to the final consumer shallbe exempted from the certification requirement under Article 35(2) of Regulation (EU) 2018/848. Thisexemption applies provided that the operator does not:
1. produce, prepare or store other than in connection with the point of sale; or
2. import such products from a third country; or
3. subcontracts such activities to a third party.
In addition, sales must not:
1. exceed 5,000 kg per year; or
2. represent an annual turnover in relation to unpackaged organic products exceeding EUR 20,000. (SJVFS2024:xx).

Chapter 2
Section 9 The control body may grant growers individual exemptions in accordance with Section 8, points 1, 2or 3, to use non-organic seed in the crop group food potatoes, provided that the grower has ordered organicfood potato seed or in-conversion food potato seed. The order must
1. cover seed to grow at least:
a) 20 per cent in 2025,
b) 30 per cent in 2026,
c) 35 per cent in 2027,
d) 40 per cent in 2028,
e) 45 per cent in 2029, and
f) 50 per cent in 2030 of the food potato area in the growing season covered by the application;
2. be placed no later than one month before the date the grower wants the seed to be delivered; and
3. have been confirmed in writing by the seller. (SJVFS 2024:xx).