CO Colombie
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 65 - Agriculture

Organismes vivants modifiés - OVM

Proyecto de Resolución "Por la cual se modifica la Resolución ICA 91505 de 2021 que establece el trámite de las solicitudes de los organismos vivos modificados -OVM- con fines exclusivamente agrícolas, pecuarios, pesqueros, plantaciones forestales comerciales y agroindustriales ante el ICA" (Draft resolution amending Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) Resolution No. 91505 of 2021 on the processing of applications at the ICA concerning Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) to be used exclusively for agriculture, livestock, aquaculture, agro-industrial and commercial forest plantations)

Referring to Resolution No. 91505 of 2021 on the processing of applications at the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) concerning Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) to be used exclusively for agriculture, livestock, aquaculture, agro-industrial and commercial forest plantations, notified by the World Trade Organization in document G/SPS/N/COL/318/Add.1 on 22 September 2021, the Republic of Colombia hereby advises that, in accordance with Article of Decree No. 1071 of 2015, parties interested in conducting research activities on LMOs in a confined space must request authorization from the competent authority. The requirements for authorizing research in a confined space must therefore be included in the ICA regulation as they are not covered by the existing standard.