SE Suède
  • C10P - Produits pharmaceutiques

Certain non-prescription medicinal products for human use sold in retail outlets other than dispensingpharmacies in accordance with the Act (2009:730) on trade in certain non-prescription medicinal products.

The Swedish Medical Products Agency’s Regulations (HSLF-FS 2024:XX) on trade in certain non-prescription medicinal products

The proposal contains requirements that apply to the retail sale of certain non-prescription medicinalproducts sold in retail outlets other than dispensing pharmacies in accordance with the Act (2009:730) on tradein certain non-prescription medicinal products. The requirements concern the notification of trade, notificationof material changes, purchases of medicines, reception of deliveries, storage, exposure and supply,distribution, complaints, recalls, other returns of medicinal products, documentation, self-monitoring andsubcontracting.