ES Espagne
  • B20 - Sécurité

The aim of the draft legislation is to establish additional technical instructions of a generic nature coveringnew technical solutions related to prevention and safety in the event of fire.

Draft Order approving the generic supplementary technical instructions (ITCs) for fire prevention and safetyconcerning fires in establishments, activities, infrastructure and buildings.

The draft Order has as its content the approval of the new Generic Supplementary Instructions (ITCs)implementing the existing general technical regulations (RSCIEI and CTE). It also renders ineffective theSupplementary Technical Instruction SP 115 approved by the previous Order issued by the Department of theInterior for the same purpose as this project, Order INT/324/2012 of 11 October 2012, because its content isnot in line with the changes made to the legislation in force and needs to be updated, through the approval of anew one.

In particular, the draft Order aims to approve the following ITCs:
- SP 130 Safety conditions in the event of fire in underground parking spaces.
- SP 131 Automatic sprinkler systems.
- SP 136 Certification of installation or application of passive fire protection products.
- SP 142 Safety conditions in camping establishments and camping areas for motor caravans.
- SP 143 System for automatic shut-off of movable partitioning elements.
- SP 146 Safety conditions in the event of fire on evacuation stairs.
- SP 115 Irrigated and non-irrigated textile barriers with a sectorising function.