ES Espagne
  • B20 - Sécurité

Supplementary technical instructions on prevention and safety in the event of fire, which facilitateunderstanding, interpretation and application of the technical regulations for the actors involved in the buildingor projection process.

Draft Order approving the supplementary technical instructions (ITCs) to the Regulation on Fire Safety inIndustrial Establishments (RSCIEI).

The supplementary technical instructions that are the subject of the draft legislation submitted forcommunication are based on and develop the specifications contained in the Regulation on Fire Safety inIndustrial Establishments (RSCIEI), adopted by Royal Decree 2267/2004 of 3 December 2004.

The RSCIEI meets the basic requirements of a general nature, in order to develop in its annexes the criteria,conditions and requirements applicable, which are of a more technical nature and therefore subject to possibleamendments resulting from their development.
The draft Order has as its content the approval of the new Supplementary Technical Instructions (ITC)implementing the RSCIEI, and renders ineffective the Supplementary Technical Instructions SP 1071 i SP 112of the previous Order INT/322/2012 of 11 October 2012, issued by the Department of the Interior for the samepurpose as this draft, because their content is not in line with the changes made to the legislation in force, sothat it is necessary to update them by issuing new instructions.
In particular, the draft Order aims to approve the following ITCs:
- SP 128 Safety conditions in the event of fire in wineries of wines and cavas.
- SP 140 Taking into account of floor exits in establishments for industrial use.
- SP 145 Performance-based design for temperature control and smoke-disposal systems in industrial sectorswith automatic water sprinklers.
- SP 107 Calculation of the fire load in storage activities.
- SP 112 Temperature control and smoke-disposal system in industrial establishments.