CA Canada
  • 67 - Technologie alimentaire

Fish products imported for human consumption and not intended for further processing

Notice of intent: Amendments to fish import inspection fees in the CFIA Fees Notice (in English and French)

Proposed rule – The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is proposing to update and amend the service fee regulations associated with fish import inspection in Part 16 of the CFIA Fees Notice. Specifically, the CFIA is proposing to remove the reference to the Quality Management Program in Section 4 and Table 2 and establish a single inspection service fee for all imported fish products. This amendment is part of a broader cost recovery modernization initiative that aims, among other objectives, to align the CFIA Fees Notice with modernized regulations such as the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. This change will not impact the service delivery to importers but will lower the cost for some businesses to import fish and fish products into Canada.