NZ Nouvelle-Zélande
  • 65 - Agriculture

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) plants for planting and rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) plants for planting

Import requirements for mangosteen and rambutan plants for planting

This is a second addendum to New Zealand's WTO notification (G/SPS/N/NZL/757) made on 29 November 2023 on proposed import requirements for mangosteen and rambutan plants for planting. The notified amendment was a risk management proposal for new requirements for importing mangosteen and rambutan plants for planting into New Zealand. It also included a new pest list. This addendum does not extend the scope of the previously notified regulation, nor will it potentially affect Members as this is a trade enabling amendment.

In response to comments on our second proposal, we have adjusted one risk management measure as follows:

·        We have now added 'grafted plants' as a commodity class in the import health standard. We have analyzed the risks of grafted mangosteen and rambutan plants and have added requirements for them (both rootstock and scion must be from the same species).

The amended import health standard has now been finalized.