DK Danemark

The draft concerns tobacco products, tobacco surrogates and herbal products for smoking.

Order amending the Order on maximum levels, health warnings and age verification system etc. of tobaccoproducts etc.

The Order amends the Order on maximum levels, health warnings and age verification system etc. oftobacco products etc. This amendment follows on from notification 2024/64/DK, in which Denmark has notifieda draft Act which, inter alia, concerns putting into force the requirements for more effective electronic ageverification in the case of distance sales of tobacco and nicotine products.

The Order lays down the detailed requirements for this electronic age verification. The requirements followdirectly from the comments on the draft Act and thus no new requirements are laid down other than what isalready stated in the draft Act.
The Order merely states that in future there will be a requirement for effective electronic age verification, thatthere is a freedom of methodology in relation to how it is ensured and that the requirement will not apply toonline platforms, cf. the definition in Article 3(i) of the Digital Services Act.
Point 7 Notification pursuant to a Union act
Additional information necessary for the assessment
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws,regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation andsale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC
Point 10 Reference documents and basic texts
Reference in the basic text
The Order on maximum levels, health warnings and age verification system etc. of tobacco products etc. is laiddown pursuant to § 8(1), § 9(1), § 19(2), § 24(2), § 30(2) and § 45(2) of the Act on tobacco products, etc.
Basic texts have been forwarded as part of an earlier notification