SI Slovénie
  • S30E - Pollution

Radioactive substances

Decree amending the Decree on radiation activities

Last year we had an IRRS mission at URSJV, which reviewed the administrative framework of nuclear and radiation safety. In the course of the review, it has been found that in the area of general-use items, i.e. itemsin which a radionuclide has been intentionally incorporated, it is necessary to regulate the labelling of suchitems or inform consumers in more detail. In the proposed amendment to the Decree a new Article 6a hasbeen added, which regulates this, and as a result new terms distributor of general-use items and producer ofgeneral-use items have been added.

The amendment to Article 12 of the Decree also follows from the requirements of the IRRS mission, whichexplains in detail the issuing of a permit for the implementation of the radiation activity of transportingradioactive substances, which is issued by the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration and the SlovenianRadiation Protection Administration. The Decree corrects minor inconsistencies identified duringimplementation since 2018.