PY Paraguay
  • 12 - Graines et fruits oléagineux; graines, semences et fruits divers; plantes industrielles ou médicinales; pailles et fourrages

Sesamum seeds and other minor crops (HS code: 1207.40)

Resolución "Por la cual se aprueba la norma de uso de betacyflutrina 12,5% y el límite máximo de residuo (LMR) para el cultivo de sésamo" (Resolution approving the guidelines for the use of beta-cyfluthrin 12.5% and the maximum residue level (MRL) in sesamum crops) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 5

The notified Resolution approves the guidelines for the use on sesamum crops of phytosanitary products formulated as beta-cyfluthrin 12.5%, which must be included on the labels of such products marketed in Paraguay. It also establishes the maximum residue level (MRL) for beta-cyfluthrin in sesamum.