EC Equateur
  • 01 - Généralités, Terminologie, Normalisation, Documentation
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité
  • 65 - Agriculture
  • 71 - Génie chimique

The notified regulations are the Draft Sanitary Technical Regulations for the process of issuing the toxicology evaluation report, amending the toxicology report and aligning the labelling of chemical pesticides for agricultural use with the Globally Harmonized System.

The purpose of the Draft Regulations is to set out the procedure for obtaining the toxicology evaluation report for chemical pesticides for agricultural use, in accordance with the provisions of Andean Community Decision No. 804 and Resolution No. 2075, or those amending or replacing them. The Draft Regulations lay down the legal and technical requirements for obtaining and amending the toxicology evaluation report, and for aligning the labelling of chemical pesticides for agricultural use with the Globally Harmonized System.

Proyecto de Normativa Técnica Sanitaria para el proceso de emisión del informe de evaluación toxicológica, modificaciones de informe toxicológico y adaptación de etiquetas al sistema globalmente armonizado de los Plaguicidas Químicos de uso Agrícola (PQUA) (Draft Sanitary Technical Regulations for the process of issuing the toxicology evaluation report, amending the toxicology report and aligning the labelling of chemical pesticides for agricultural use with the Globally Harmonized System) (15 page(s), in Spanish)

The purpose of the Draft Regulations is to set out the procedure for obtaining the toxicology evaluation report for chemical pesticides for agricultural use, in accordance with the provisions of Andean Community Decision No. 804 and Resolution No. 2075, or those amending or replacing them. The Draft Regulations lay down the legal and technical requirements for obtaining and amending the toxicology evaluation report, and for aligning the labelling of chemical pesticides for agricultural use with the Globally Harmonized System.

The notified Sanitary Draft Regulations are applicable to and binding on all natural and legal persons, whether domestic or foreign, governed by public or private law, that request the toxicology evaluation for chemical pesticides for agricultural use, as well as amendments to the toxicology evaluation report issued by National Agency for Sanitary Regulation, Control and Surveillance (ARCSA) prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Registration granted by the Agency for Phytosanitary and Animal Health Regulation and Control (AGROCALIDAD), and the alignment of the labelling for chemical pesticides for agricultural use with the Globally Harmonized System.