US Etats-Unis d'Amérique
  • 03 - Services, Organisation de l'entreprise, Gestion et qualité, Administration, Transport, Sociologie
  • 13 - Environnement, Protection de la santé, Sécurité

Air emissions; Quality (ICS code(s): 03.120); Environmental protection (ICS code(s): 13.020); Air quality (ICS code(s): 13.040)

Revisions to the Air Emissions Reporting Requirements; (105 page(s), in English)

Proposed rule and notice of virtual public hearing on 30 August 2023 - This action proposes changes to the EPA's Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR). The proposed amendments may require changes to current regulations of State, local, and certain tribal air agencies; would require these agencies to report emissions data to the EPA using different approaches from current requirements; and would require owners/operators of some facilities to report additional emissions data. More specifically, the EPA is proposing to require certain sources report information regarding emission of hazardous air pollutants (HAP); certain sources to report criteria air pollutants, their precursors and HAP; and to require State, local, and certain tribal air agencies to report prescribed fire data. The proposed revisions would also define a new approach for optional collection by air agencies of such information on HAP by which State, local and certain tribal air agencies may implement requirements and report emissions on behalf of owners/operators. The proposed revisions would also make the requirements for point sources consistent for every year; phase in earlier deadlines for point source reporting; and add requirements for reporting fuel use data for certain sources of electrical generation associated with peak electricity demand. The proposed revisions include further changes for reporting on airports, rail yards, commercial marine vessels, locomotives, and nonpoint sources. For owners/operators of facilities that meet criteria described in this proposal, the proposed revisions would require reporting of performance test and performance evaluation data to the EPA for all tests conducted after the effective date provided in the final rulemaking. The EPA also proposes to clarify that information the EPA collects through the AERR is emission data that is not subject to confidential treatment.