GB United Kingdom

Single-use vapes

The Environmental Protection (Single-use Vapes) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024

The Environmental Protection (Single-use Vapes) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 introduces theprohibition of sale and supply of single-use vapes in Northern Ireland. This policy has been developed alongwith the other nations of the United Kingdom ( England Scotland and Wales) and it is anticipated that similardomestic regulations will be brought forward by all UK nations to bring in a ban. It is anticipated that the fournations will align with the bringing into force dates between all UK nations.
The regulations will define vapes as being single-use when they are not re-useable. Vapes that are not re-useable are those which are non-refillable or not rechargeable and not refillable and not rechargeable.Theregulations will make it an offence to supply, offer to supply or have in their possession to supply a single-usevape. This will be whether selling or not in the course of a business.The regulations will mean a personconvicted will be subject to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum or if convicted on indictment to a termof imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or to a fine or both.
There are internal market considerations for the UK hence the joined up approach in formulating policy,drafting legislation and delivery timeframe. This notifcation is being carried out as this legislation will place atechnical regulation on single-use vapes.