BE Belgium

Sampling and analysis methods for waste and other materials in the context of the Materials Decree and theSoil Decree, and the Implementing Decrees.

Draft Ministerial Decree approving the Compendium for Sampling and Analysis

The Flemish regulations for waste and other materials as well as for soils determine when sampling andanalysis must be carried out. Sampling and analysis for waste and other materials as well as analysis for soilsin the context of soil remediation must be carried out by recognised laboratories (Flemish Regulation onEnvironmental Recognitions [VLAREL]).

These recognised laboratories must follow the methods set out in the Compendium for Sampling and Analysis(CMA), which is approved by Ministerial Decree. The compendium is updated annually. Although the entirecompendium is replaced each time, there are only a limited number of methods that are newly added or haveundergone amendments.
The draft Ministerial Decree attached as a PDF therefore contains a table of contents identifying the newand/or amended methods in bold. The new and amended methods have also been added to the PDF file.Amended parts are indicated in red font.