SA Saudi Arabia
  • 70 - Glass and glassware
  • 83 - Miscellaneous articles of base metal
  • 85 - Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
  • 87 - Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts and accessories thereof

(HS code(s): 7009; 8301; 8302; 8501; 8504; 8507; 8511; 8512; 8526; 8527; 8536; 8544; 8702; 8703)

Technical Regulations for Electric Vehicles 03-04-17-162; (42 page(s), in Arabic)

The updating covers the following:

- Amendments to Article (1) Terms and Definitions.

- Amendments to Article (2) Scope.

- Amendments to Article (3) Objectives.

- Amendments to Article (4) Supplier Obligations.

- Amendments to Article (5) Conformity Assessment Procedures.

- Amendments to Article (8) Violations And Penalties.

- Amendments to Article (10) Transitional Provisions.

- Amendments to Annex (1-A), list of relevant standards.

- Amendments to Annex 2: Essential requirements for electric vehicles.

- Adding Annex No. (3) Electrical charging connectors.