DK Denmark
  • H10 - Games of chance

H10 - Games of chance

Draft Act amending the Gaming Act and the Gaming Duties Act (New rules for non-profit lotteries andliberalisation of land-based bingo).

The draft Act introduces a new model for the provision of non-profit lotteries and liberalisation of land-basedbingo. This will mean that there will be three types of lotteries exempted from the monopoly which is thegeneral rule for lotteries in Denmark: (1) lotteries below a de minimis threshold, (2) non-profit lotteries and (3)bingo games in the liberalised market.

A new form of authorisation is thus introduced in Section 10 a of the Gaming Act, which makes it possible toobtain a licence for the offering of land-based bingo on the liberalised market without meeting the requirements
for non-profit lotteries. Providers of liberalised bingo will be subject to the same rules and level of duties asproviders of other games in the land-based liberalised gaming market.
Section 1, Nos 1, 2, 8 and 9, and Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the draft Act are not notified as they are notconsidered to constitute technical barriers to trade. Thus, only Section 1, Nos 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10, of the draftAct is notified.