CL Chile
  • 27 - Energy and heat transfer engineering
  • 79 - Wood technology

Wood pellet stoves of a power not exceeding 25kW.

PC Nº201:2024 PROYECTO DE PROTOCOLO DE ANALISIS Y/O ENSAYOS DE SEGURIDAD DE CALEFACTORES A PELLETS DE MADERA, DE UNA POTENCIA MENOR O IGUAL A 25 KW (PC No. 201:2024 Draft safety analysis and/or test protocol for wood pellet stoves of a power not exceeding 25kW) (13 pages, in Spanish)

The notified Protocol establishes the safety certification procedure for wood pellet stoves, with a rated thermal input not exceeding 25 kW, that fall within the scope and coverage of Official Chilean Standard (NCh) No. 3282 of 2013 "Artefactos de calefacción doméstica que utilizan pellets de madera - Requisitos y Métodos de Ensayo" (Wood pellet-fired domestic heating appliances - Requirements and test methods) and Supreme Decree No. 46/2013 of the Ministry of the Environment revising the "Norma de emisión de material particulado, para los artefactos que combustionen o puedan combustionar leña y derivados de la madera, contenida en el Decreto N° 39 de 2011" (Particulate matter emission Standard for appliances that burn or are able to burn wood and wood products, established in Decree No. 39 of 2011).

The notified Protocol does not apply to:

·        Heat-generating boilers used mainly to heat water

·        Cookers

·        Clay ovens