ID Indonesia
  • 65 - Agriculture

Animal and animal products, fish and fish product, plant and plant products

Draft Decree of the Chairman of the Indonesian Quarantine Authority Concerning Quarantine Documents And Seals. Language(s): Bahasa Indonesia. Number of pages: 40

Referring to G/SPS/N/IDN/148, Indonesia will require the following documents for the importation of animal and animal products, fish and fish products, plant and plant products into the territory of Indonesia:

1.     Prior Notice (Code of document: K-1.2): This document will provide initial information and notification for the commodities which will be exported to Indonesia. This document must be sent by the Exporting Country to the Indonesian Quarantine Authority prior to the departure of the said commodities to Indonesia;

2.     Notification of Non-Compliance (Code of document: K-7.4): This document will provide notification for non-compliance of SPS issues related to the importation of animal and animal product, fish and fish product, plant and plant products into the territory of Indonesia.

Furthermore, Indonesia will also issue the following documents for the exportation of animal and animal products, fish and fish products, plant and plant products from the territory of Indonesia:

1.    Animal Health Certificate (Code of document: KH-1): This document certifies the health of the carrier media, especially animals which will be sent from one area to another area within the territory of Indonesia, and those that will be exported to destination country;

2.    Sanitary Certificate of Animal Products (Code of document: KH-2): This document certifies the health of the carrier media, especially animal products that will be sent from one area to another area within the territory of Indonesia, and those that will be exported to destination country;

3.    Health Certificate for Fish and Fish Products (Code of document: KI-1): This document certifies the health of the carrier media, especially fish and fish products, which will be exported to destination country;

4.     Phytosanitary Certificate (Code of Document: KT-1): This document certifies the health of the carrier media, especially plant and plant products, which will be sent from one area to another within the territory of Indonesia, and those that will be exported to destination country;

5.    Phytosanitary Certificate for re-export (Code of document: KT-2): This document certifies the carrier media that enter the territory of Indonesia, including information regarding quarantine measures that have been conducted for the said carrier media;

6.    Certification for Export of Processed Product/Non-Regulated Article (Code of document: KT-4): This document certifies the health of processed carrier media, including information regarding the quarantine measures that have been conducted for the said processed carrier media. This document will be sent by the exporting countries to the importing country, if the National Plant Protection Office (NPPO) of the importing country requires it.