MX Mexico
  • 33 - Telecommunications, Audio and video engineering

Products, equipment, devices and apparatus intended for telecommunications or broadcasting that may be connected to a telecommunications network or utilize the radio spectrum.

Anteproyecto de Acuerdo mediante el cual el Pleno del Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones modifica los Lineamientos para la homologación de productos, equipos, dispositivos o aparatos destinados a telecomunicaciones o radiodifusión (Preliminary draft Decision of the Plenary Meeting of the Federal Telecommunications Institute amending the Guidelines for the type approval of products, equipment, devices or apparatus intended for telecommunications or broadcasting); (3 pages, in Spanish)

The Federal Telecommunications Institute (hereinafter, the "IFT"), convinced of the importance and relevance of transparency in its process of preparing new regulations, will receive comments, opinions and input from any natural or legal person interested in the "Preliminary draft Decision of the Plenary Meeting of the Federal Telecommunications Institute amending the Guidelines for the type approval of products, equipment, devices or apparatus intended for telecommunications or broadcasting" (hereinafter, the "preliminary draft").

The main objectives of the preliminary draft are to amend the Guidelines for the type approval of products, equipment, devices or apparatus intended for telecommunications or broadcasting (hereinafter, the "type approval guidelines"), in order to: (i) make explicit reference to the requirement to include the IFT seal as an additional element in marking or labelling, in accordance with the Guidelines for the use of the IFT seal on type-approved products, equipment, devices or apparatus intended for telecommunications or broadcasting; (ii) expand the IFT seal print options, so that it may be either a physical or electronic seal, to reduce the time required to bring the products into conformity with provisions of the Type Approval Guidelines; and (iii) set out the range of products to which the marking or labelling, physical or electronic, applies, so that there is no doubt as to the application of the Type Approval Guidelines.