SE Sweden
  • T50T - Transport of dangerous substances

Fire resistant and non-electrically conductive cushioning materials in applicable packaging instructions.

Transport between industrial or airport areas, Annex S of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency’sRegulations on the transport of dangerous goods by road and off-highway, ADR-S

13.1 – In the case of short transport of dangerous goods by road or off-highway between industrial or airportareas, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) may, on written request, grant an exemption from theprovisions. A possibility is also introduced, to be granted an exemption from type-approved packaging,intermediate bulk containers (IBC) and large packaging. In addition, exemptions may be provided forequipment to be installed on transport units according to sections 8.1.4 and 8.1.5 of the ADR-S.

21.7 – The packing instructions P908 5, P910 (1)(e), P910 (2)(d), LP904 5, LP905 (1)(e) and LP905 (2)(d)specify that fire resistant and non-electrically conductive cushioning materials shall be used and thatcombustibility shall be assessed according to a standard accepted in the country where the packaging isdesigned or manufactured. As the competent authority, the MSB is required to specify which standard isaccepted and, therefore, introduces in chapter 21.7 of ADR-S that standard SS-EN 1-13501: 2019 Fireclassification of construction products and building elements - Part 1: Classification using data from reaction tofire tests, is accepted. The standard specifies that the cushioning materials shall meet Class A1 or A2 as wellas the criteria and level of requirements to be met during the test itself. The test shall be carried out accordingto EN ISO 1182: 2020 Reaction to fire tests for products - Non-combustibility test (ISO/DIS 1182:2019). ThisChapter applies only to the design and manufacture of packaging and large packaging in Sweden.