NZ New Zealand
  • 91 - Construction materials and building
  • 93 - Civil engineering

The proposed legislative changes will apply to products identified as either a "building product" or "building method". Under the Building Act 2004, "Building product" means a product that could reasonably be expected to be used as a component of a building. "Building method" means a method for using one or more products or things as part of building work.

Proactive Release: Cabinet paper removing barriers to overseas building products; (74 page(s), in English)

This document includes the Cabinet paper (and appendices) seeking policy approval for a package of changes to the Building Act 2004 to remove barriers in the building consent system.

This package of changes to the Building Act 2004 are to:

·        Make it easier to use products from overseas;

·        Streamline citing of international standards; and

·        Mandate acceptance of certain overseas building products.

To make it easier to use products from overseas the changes to the Building Act 2004 will enable the New Zealand Minister for Building and Construction to recognise building product standards from overseas standards organisations and certifications from standard certification schemes. A Gazette notice will be issued to achieve this recognition. A regulation making power will be established to set criteria for recognition.

The proposed changes will also streamline the citing of international standards and establish a new regulatory instrument; the Building Product Specification. The building product specification will contain all the building product standards and specifications that must be considered as demonstrating compliance with the New Zealand Building Code. All existing standards and specifications currently cited in acceptable solutions and verification methods will be moved into the Building Product Specification.

The third proposed change will enable the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to specify building product certification schemes, certifications of building products or classes of certifications of building products that must be considered as demonstrating compliance with the New Zealand Building Code. This specification will be done by Gazette notice. A regulation making power will be established to set criteria for specification.